Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

1. Character analysis: Students wrote a paragraph about each of Dante's characters in which they explained the encounters mentioned in Inferno (Charon, Minos and Francesca). Students discussed the representation of these encounters described by Dante and how they might be interpreted.

2. Students read pages 772-783 familarizing themselves with the Renaissance Era.

3. Students read pages 784-791, Federigo's Falcon.

4. Students began working on the Thinking Through the Literature on page 792. This assignments should be completed for homework and turned in tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Students completed Dante's Inferno, and began working on the Thinking Through the Literature on page 749.

Students also completed the analysis of style and literary interpretation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

1. Students read pages 732-747 (Dante's Inferno)
2. Students completed the Thinking Through the Literature on pages 741 and 747 and the Pause and Reflect questions throughout the reading.
3. Homework: Complete the reading of Inferno

Monday, March 19, 2007

1. Students read pages 708-721 of the literature textbook.
2. Students completed the Thinking Through the Literature on page 722, questions 1-6 (omit #2)
3. Students completed pages 56-57 of the Wordskills Vocabulary Workbook.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Students worked extensively on their research projects.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

1. Plan and write a persuasive essay using the FCAT writing prompt
2. Complete pages 51-52 of the writing and grammar workbooks.
3. Read pages 686-695 Literature of the Middle Ages and answer the questions on the handout. These questions are listed below:

Historical Highlights
Literature of the Middle Ages
Pages 686-695

1.Which institution grew stronger even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
2.How were Charles Martel and Charlemagne related?
3.Feudalism was a system of land holding in western Europe during the Middle Ages. What obligation did a vassal owe his lord in return for the land he received?
4.How did it happen that William of Normandy had vassals in two countries, France and England?
5.What armies fought each other in the Crusades?
6.Under the feudal system, who had the greatest power?
7.How did friars differ from monks?
8.What practical use did the fine arts serve in the Middle Ages?
9.What features distinguished the Gothic style of architecture from the Romanesque?
10.Which literary work was composed first, Beowulf or Nibelungenlied?
11.Could Joan of Arc have visited Chartres Cathedral?
12.Did Genghis Khan live before or after Charlemagne?
13.Was Buddhism introduced to Japan before, during or after the First Crusade?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

1. Post one discussion topic to NiceNet; add this post to your blog
2. Poetry analysis: Read pages 642-647.
3. Complete questions 3, 4 and 5 on page 648. Add these responses to your blog and title the post Songs that Celebrate
4. Complete the Connect to Today activity on page 649. This assignment should be turned in tomorrow. (complete for homework)
5. Students will practice writing abstracts which will accompany their research projects

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

1. Respond to comprehension questions for When Rain Clouds Gather
2. Wordskills workbook pages 52-53
3. Read chapters 11 and 12 of When Rain Clouds Gather

Research project due May 15

Friday, March 9, 2007

Friday, March 9, 2007

1. Read chapters 9 and 10 of When Rain Clouds Gather.

2. The remainder of class time should be spent working on research projects. Please refer to the project sheet for instructions and requirements. Project due date: May 15, 2007

No School Monday! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thursday, March 8, 2007

1. Complete pages 47-48 of the Writing & Grammar workbook on subject/verb agreement.
2. Read chapters 7 and 8 of When Rain Clouds Gather.
3. Think about the chapters you've read so far and pretend that what you've read was a movie. Write a critical review of the characters and plot. Post this review to your blog . Title the post: Cruitic's Review.

Remember new classes begin Friday - No school Monday.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

1. Post a response to a discussion topic on NiceNet and add the postg to your blogs.

2. Read pages 624-626. Then complete the Thinking Through the Literature on page 627 (omit number three) Add responses to your blog and title the post: A Drop of Milk

3. Students will continue conducting research for their research project.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Students completed their works cited page from yesterday.

Students read pages 624-626, then students completed Thinking Through the Literature on page 627 (omit question three). Responses to thinking through should be added to students' blogs and titled A Drop of Milk.

The quarter ends Thursday.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Students reviewed MLA format and practiced using MLA citation with an in class activity - Students located several types of books and online articles and books and created a works cited page similar to the one required for their research project.

NRT/FCAT Science testing will be Tuesday.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday, March 2, 2007

Students read chapter 7 of When Rain Clouds Gather.

Students then completed pages 42-47 of the Wordskills vocabulary workbooks.

Remember NRT testing will be Tuesday, March 6 - Students should report to their FCAT testing rooms first block.

Have a great weekend!