Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuseday, January 16

Hello all you chum and chumettes!

Today was our first day back from a long weekend, as you all know. First day back, and also writing day. Yipee! (not) We had 45 minutes to write a 5 paragraph essay, (or not 5 paragraphs, it doesn't really matter, there's no limit) done FCAT style. We all enjoyed the writing bit and our writing cramps so much. haha, you know I'm joking.
Ah, yes, and of course the prompt:
'Write an essay describing a show you feel has a positive impact on today's teenagers and explain how the show could be helpful.'
A television show, that is.

Homework consists of more FCAT! I don't know about you, but I'm sure getting tired of FCAT. Ms. Postell passed out a 'Writing+ Sample Test Book' and we have to complete it for homework. Not too terrible, all multiple choice, answer key in the back of the book, you know the drill; I'm sure it's engraved into your brain since elementary level.
And, I suppose that's just about it, pretty exciting day here in English II.
Stay classy Sarasota.

P.S- I know deep in your hearts, you all really do love FCAT.
P.P.S- You can't hide it, it always finds it way out to the world.
P.P.P.S- You know, I'm being totally facetious.
P.P.P.P.S- Okay, I swear, I'm really done now!

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